Renewable Energy Foundation

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Campbell Dunford, The Hothouse Effect

Campbell Dunford, The Hothouse Effect

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Wind Power Modelling

Wind power is currently the least capital intensive of renewable energy technologies capable of large scale deployment, and the UK government has anticipated that much of the growth in the sector will be accounted for by wind. However, there have been persistent concerns that a large wind fleet would place both technical and cost burdens on the UK electricity system, as well as limiting market access for other clean technologies such as firm renewables (biomass, tidal), coal and gas with carbon capture, and nuclear.



Future Proofing UK Energy 2006

Future Proofing UK Energy 2006

REF response to the Scottish Executive 2005-2006 Review of the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Order

REF response to the Scottish Executive 2005-2006 Review of the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Order

REF Response to the 2006-6 Review of the Renewables Obligation

REF Response to the 2006-6 Review of the Renewables Obligation.

REF response to the 2006 Energy Review

REF response to the 2006 Energy Review

REF Submission to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change

REF Submission to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change

REF Response to the Welsh Affairs Select Committee's Call for Evidence, Energy in Wales

REF Response to the Welsh Affairs Select Committee's Call for Evidence, Energy in Wales

REF Response to Energy Wales: Route Map

REF Response to Energy Wales: Route Map

REF Submision to the Royal Society of Edinburgh Inquiry: Issues for Scotland's Energy Supply

REF Submision to the Royal Society of Edinburgh Inquiry: Issues for Scotland's Energy Supply

Download this file (ref.for.rse.07.05.pdf)ref.for.rse.07.05.pdf