The UK tidal resource is a predictable, carbon-free renewable energy that could meet a minimum of 10% of the UK’s electricity demand. The Government’s current Feasibility Study on determining the best option for the Severn Estuary has heralded a new era of tidal range and tidal stream technology nationwide options. REF acknowledges that all large-scale renewable technologies raise physical, economic and environmental issues.
Tidal stream in particular is a nascent industry where thorough, multi-disciplined, UK-wide research is urgently required if this new technology is to be universally adopted within a useful timescale. REF thus welcomes all parties to broaden the debate and contribute to the knowledge base for what prove to be a vital component of a balanced, low carbon energy portfolio for the UK.
As part of its general research program REF commissioned IPA Energy + Water Economics, a leading economic consultancy to prepare two studies to inform our views on the Severn Barrage.
We are now publishing these studies as contributions to general public debate. The studies are not statements of REF’s views on any of the proposals for generating electricity in the Severn estuary. REF is also publishing an overview text describing the contents of the two studies.
i. REF Overview
ii. Study 1: Severn Barrage Costing Exercise
iii. Study 2: Severn Barrage Costing Follow-on Analysis